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Trending At WHRP

Black History Facts weekdays on the Toni in the Morning Show at 7:55am. Sponsored by OMJ Media Design!

Black History Facts weekdays on the Toni in the Morning Show at 7:55am. Sponsored by OMJ Media Design! Ocie Maddox Jr. is a passionate media professional dedicated to preserving and sharing Black history. With a deep appreciation for cultural heritage, he contributes to WHRP 94.1 FM station by presenting Black History Facts, shedding light on significant yet often overlooked stories. His segments offer listeners a richer understanding of the contributions and experiences…More

Toni in The Morning ‘Money Monday’ with Tish Hardric and Associates.

Toni in The Morning ‘Money Monday’ with Tish Hardric and Associates.

Tune in every Monday morning at 7:45 am for The Toni in the Morning Money Monday’s with Tish Hardric and Associates. You’ll get some great money management tips. Tish also provides solutions and answers for business owners and those considering starting a business. Tish Hardric, CEO Tish Hardric is the CEO and Founder of Tish…More

Is It Legal?

Is It Legal?

Our mission is to provide top-notch legal services catered specifically to your needs. Trust our experience and expertise to guide you through any legal matters you encounter. Our phone number is 256-665-9990. Kuryakin Rucker, PhD Dr. Kuryakin (KC) Rucker is a native of Detroit, Michigan and is licensed to practice law in Michigan and…More

Wellness Wednesdays on WHRP!

Wellness Wednesdays on WHRP!

For nearly three decades, Dr. West has provided Huntsville women unparalleled care, creating a safe and nurturing environment for gynecology and women’s health. My Mission statement reads: Our mission is to deliver exceptional gynecologic care to our patients utilizing the highest standards and to improve the quality of their lives by combining evidence-based medicine with unparalleled compassion, empathy…More

Entertainment News

Lady Gaga Admits She Blacks Out Each Time She Meets Trent Reznor

Lady Gaga Admits She Blacks Out Each Time She Meets Trent Reznor

In an interview on The Howard Stern Show on Tuesday (March 11), Lady Gaga shared her admiration for Trent Reznor and cited Nine Inch Nails as major inspiration for her seventh album, Mayhem. Gaga revealed that meeting Reznor always has a powerful effect on her, and while she couldn’t recall the first time she met…More

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